Rootstock: Bitcoin Scaling Hackathon

819 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
819 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

This campaign is over.

starts on:
May 16, 2023, 04:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jun 26, 2023, 01:00 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Jun 26, 2023, 01:01 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jul 19, 2023, 03:55 PM UTC (UTC)


Rules Snapshot

  1. Identity: All participants are required to confirm their identity. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification.
  2. Rootstock: All protocols must be built on top of and for Rootstock.
  3. The hackathon is a separate event from the IOVlabs Grants program. Winners of the hackathon will be fast-tracked for an application to the grants awards.
  4. This is a team participation hackathon. You can have up to 5 members at most on your team.
  5. You can invite others to form a team or you can request other teams add you as a member.
  6. This is a virtual hackathon; you can participate from anywhere.
  7. You can submit as many times as you want. However, your last submission will be considered the final submission.
  8. You are expected to come up with new and innovative ideas or develop new innovative components for a project of your own. Any idea or code that has been copied directly from another project will be disqualified.
  9. Your hack must be developed entirely during the hackathon. You may use any crypto primitives available on the Rootstock mainnet or testnet. You may also use open-source libraries and other freely available systems/services.
  10. By participating in the hackathon, you agree to the terms and conditions of HackerEarth and the terms and conditions of IOVlabs. These are subject to change.
  11. IOV Labs will conduct KYC on the winners. Prizes will not be paid out without confirming identities, and/or if the persons have a criminal background.
  12. IOV Labs can choose the form of payment. RIF and RDOC will be the preferred payment.
  13. IOV Labs reserves the right to remove and fast-track projects and candidates from the Hackathon.
  14. IOV Labs reserves the right to distribute prizes as we see fit. If projects fail to meet the quality expectation, the prizes will be affected.

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Rootstock Hackathon Web3 Terms and Conditions. By participating in this hackathon, you agree to the following terms:

Eligibility: This hackathon is open to participants who are at least 18 years of age or older at the time of entry. Participants must also be residents of a country where the hackathon is legally permitted.

Submission Requirements: Each participant or team must submit their project by the specified deadline. The submission should include the project source code, a brief project summary, and any relevant instructions. Participants are also required to provide an Ethereum wallet address to receive any potential prizes.

Intellectual Property: Participants retain full ownership of their project's intellectual property. However, by participating in the hackathon, participants grant the hackathon organizers a non-exclusive, royalty-free, and perpetual license to use, display, and promote their project.

Code of Conduct: Participants are expected to act professionally and respectfully towards fellow participants, judges, and organizers. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may result in disqualification from the hackathon.

Judging Criteria: Projects will be judged based on the following criteria: innovation, functionality, user experience, and impact. Judges' decisions are final.

Prizes: Prizes will be awarded to the top projects as determined by the judges. Prizes may be subject to taxes, and it is the responsibility of the winners to comply with any applicable tax laws.

Liability: Participants are responsible for their own actions and any consequences resulting from their participation in the hackathon. The hackathon organizers are not liable for any damages, injuries, or losses resulting from participation in the hackathon.

Changes: The hackathon organizers reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be posted on the hackathon website.

Disclaimer: The hackathon organizers do not endorse any specific technology or platform. Participants are free to use any technology or platform of their choice.

Governing Law: These terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country where the hackathon is being held. Any disputes arising from the hackathon will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that country.

By participating in this hackathon, you agree to these terms and conditions.

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