Rootstock: Bitcoin Scaling Hackathon

819 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
819 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

This campaign is over.

starts on:
May 16, 2023, 04:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jun 26, 2023, 01:00 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Jun 26, 2023, 01:01 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jul 19, 2023, 03:55 PM UTC (UTC)

Submissions Details

Submission Guide

To submit your project, please follow these steps:

  1. Complete both Phase I and Phase II deliverables as described below.
  2. Send your application via HackerEarth.

Note: Ensure both sets of deliverables are sent. You must include your project's GitHub Repo URL with your application.

If you are having any technical difficulties please reach out via Discord.

Phase II: Hackathon Deliverables

  • The Final Submission Deadline is July 19, 2023.

GitHub Repo

  • Fork this repository to submit your code: [GitHub Repository](
  • Create a folder with your project name and submit a pull request (PR).
  • Note: Working prototypes are heavily favoured.
  • If the above is not possible, provide a roadmap outlining the steps you plan to take for the complete implementation of your project.

Presentation + Video: (Provide a link to each)

  • Create a presentation and a short video pitch (5m max) explaining your idea and how it relates to Rootstock.
  • The presentation should provide an overview of your project and highlight its key features and benefits.

Comply with Security Measures

Please view the security measures outlined by our team below and ensure your projects meet the criteria:

  • Code published as a PR (pull request) in the Bitcoin Scaling Hackathon repo.
  • Test coverage over major business logic and for at least 50% of the project.
  • Main functions documented.
  • Up-to-date dependencies.
  • Code cleanliness.
  • Consistency with standards.

Extra points:

  • Blockchain secure practices such as secure storage of private keys, handling of blockchain reorganizations.
  • Code testing coverage over 80% of the project.
  • Fully documented project.
  • Protection against known vulnerabilities such as reply attacks and malleability attacks.
  • High decentralization level.
  • Utilization of OpenZeppelin libraries.

Phase I: Ideathon Deliverables

Use the outlined format below to structure your answers for the Ideathon. Note that the suggested structure below is not mandatory.

  • A written proposal outlining the idea and its potential impact on the web3/Bitcoin/Rootstock ecosystem
    • Executive Summary
    • Project Overview:
      • A clear and concise summary of the project.
      • Overview of the project includes:
        • Problem you are solving
        • The solution
        • Potential Impact
    • Background & Context:
      • Use this section to provide background information and insight into the problem your project is addressing.
      • Explain why the problem you're tackling is important.
    • Value Proposition:
      • Outline the value proposition of your solution. Explain why it is innovative, effective, or better than existing solutions.
      • Highlight the key benefits to your target audience.
    • Technical Description:
      • At this stage, you do not need to provide the code base.
      • Provide a technical description of your project. Cover key features and functionalities.
      • Explain how your solution works on Rootstock, what RIF (if any) technologies you are leveraging, and how it addresses the problem you are solving.
    • Market Analysis:
      • Provide a lite-analysis on the market opportunity your problem is solving.
      • How is your solution addressing a large market (TAM)?
      • How is your solution better than incumbent competitors?
    • Project Plan:
      • What is your plan to bring your idea to market?
    • Team & Resources:
      • Team Members
      • Team-Market Fit
      • What resources will you need and utilize?
    • Conclusion

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